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About us

        We aim to lead the charge in bring charity into the metaverse by regularly hosting events featuring top rated foundations, as a way to incentivize people to help those who need it most.  We have begun a campain to reach 100 community members dedicated to donating at least $5 to the charities featured in  our monthly giveaways for Star Atlas assets. It is our hope to not only provide aid to  those in need, but to also enrich the lives of those in this amazing community as well as spread awareness  about Star Atlas!


Dedicated To Changing The World


Working Together To Build A Better Future

We currently have 3   official Partnerships. Our first with Polaris Fuel, and our second with Heimdall Industries, and our most recent NFT Italia. With these partnerships and allies, we anticipate having no shortage of work. Our job will be to protect their transports, and facilities from any would be attackers.

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Scythe is a member of the Ustur Security Council, which is an organization made up of the top  Ustur based  guilds. The Councils primary purpose is to unite the Ustur guilds and  help advance our factions influence within Star Atlas

Interstellar Allience

The Interstellar Alliance is an organization of multiple guilds who cooperate with one other for mutual benefit and higher goals.

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Gran Federation

The federation is just a platform for communities to collaborate / cordinate with each other. There are no obligations for our members and we value individual freedom above hierarchy.

come say to Tufa   on discord!

Introducing Tufa!

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This is Tufa the Feist! He loves all his Star Atlas Friends! When he's not chasing Tigus  and going on adventures with his friends, he's traveling the stars with his  dad!


We are are always looking for new members! All factions are welcome!  To join us,  follow the discord link,  join our server, and let us know who you are!   

Can't wait to hear from you!

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