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   Scythe is a decentralized autonomous Corporation or DAC created for  Star Atlas, which is a metaverse  based on space exploration and conquest, being built on the Solana blockchain. One of the things that makes Star Atlas unique form other games of its kind    is that every ship,   item, and plot of land will be a    NFT. This means players will have true ownership of everything they have in the game. Another difference is the in-game economy. Players will be able to earn a living by completing missions, manufacturing ships, farming land, and hundreds of other jobs within the game. There will also be pirates whose goal is to hunt unprotected travelers as they cross the Medium and High Risk Zones. This will be especially dangerous because when a ship is destroyed in the High Risk zone, it will be burned permanently, leaving scrap and loot for the pirates to plunder. That is why we will offer the highest grade protection to those in need at an affordable price. This is only part of what Scythe will be though. Scythe is also working hard to make the world a better place   one month at a time with our Scythe Charity Events. For anyone who would like to become a member of Scythe, join us on Discord and help us change the world!

Building The Future Right Is Up To Us

We are the ones laying the foundation for the Metaverse. Its up to us to make sure its built right! That is why we we are leading the charge in bringing charity and Web3 together. We will also offer scholarships to those unable to afford ships. These people will be able to earn a living essentially renting ships and land from their owners.  All ships and land purchased by the DAO will be used in the Scythe Scholarship program. 



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2 Ogrika Thripids added to the Scythe  Armada!

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We are are always looking for new members! All factions are welcome!  To join us,  follow the discord link,  join our server, and let us know who you are!   

Can't wait to hear from you!

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